Which of the following explains how a complex character tries a stories plot?

They bring another characters qualities into sharp focus
Their motivations can create conflicts that relate to a story theme
They usually cause conflict and give the story depth
Their personalities are interesting and intriguing for the reader

All of the options provided explain how a complex character drives a story's plot.

All of the given options can explain how a complex character drives a story's plot. Here is a breakdown of each option:

1. They bring another character's qualities into sharp focus: A complex character can highlight the qualities and traits of another character, thereby influencing their actions and decisions, which in turn affects the overall plot.

2. Their motivations can create conflicts that relate to a story theme: The motivations of a complex character often lead to conflicts within the story. These conflicts can be explored in relation to the underlying themes of the narrative, adding depth and complexity to the plot.

3. They usually cause conflict and give the story depth: Complex characters typically bring about conflicts due to their multifaceted nature. These conflicts, whether internal or external, propel the story forward and add layers of depth and intrigue.

4. Their personalities are interesting and intriguing for the reader: Complex characters are usually intriguing and captivating to readers. Their multifaceted personalities, with their flaws, strengths, and complexities, make them interesting to follow throughout the story.

Overall, a complex character can contribute to the plot by highlighting other characters' qualities, creating conflicts, giving depth, and intriguing the reader.

The correct answer is: They usually cause conflict and give the story depth.

To understand how a complex character affects a story's plot, we need to recognize that a complex character possesses multifaceted qualities and motivations. These attributes can have various impacts on the plot and overall narrative. One way a complex character influences the plot is by causing conflicts. Due to their intricate personalities and different motivations, they are more prone to engage in situations that result in tension, challenges, and obstacles for the protagonist or other characters. These conflicts give the story depth and complexity, enriching the readers' experience.

While the other options mentioned – bringing another character's qualities into focus, creating conflicts related to story themes, and having interesting personalities – can also be characteristics of a complex character, they do not specifically address their impacts on the story's plot. The most important aspect of a complex character is how they contribute to the development and progression of the plot by generating conflicts and providing depth to the narrative.