Which is an effect of global warming?(1 point)


increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

changing seasons every year
changing seasons every year

rising sea level over a period of time
rising sea level over a period of time

increasing greenhouse gas concentration in air

increasing greenhouse gas concentration in air

The effect of global warming that is listed is: increasing greenhouse gas concentration in air.

The correct answer is "rising sea level over a period of time." To arrive at this answer, we can look at the options provided and identify which one is directly linked to global warming.

Firstly, "increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere" is a cause of global warming, not an effect. It contributes to the greenhouse effect that results in global warming, but it is not an effect itself.

Secondly, "changing seasons every year" is a natural occurrence and not directly caused by global warming. While global warming can have an impact on weather patterns, changing seasons are primarily influenced by the tilt of the Earth's axis.

Thirdly, "increasing greenhouse gas concentration in air" is not a specific effect of global warming but rather a contributing factor to it. Greenhouse gas concentration is one of the causes of global warming, so it is not an effect in itself.

Lastly, "rising sea level over a period of time" is directly linked to global warming. As temperatures increase and ice sheets and glaciers melt, the additional water leads to a rise in sea levels. This effect is widely recognized as a consequence of global warming.

Therefore, the correct answer is "rising sea level over a period of time."