Maggie read that some plants grow better if the soil is acidic. She can’t believe that a plant can grow when exposed to acid. Maggie decides to test if the plants she has will grow better when acid is added to the soil. She puts potting soil in two planting containers and transplants two of her geraniums that seem about the same size into the pots. She puts the pots in the same location so that they both get the same sunlight each day, are at the same temperature and she makes sure they get the same amount of water. However, Maggie puts a tablespoon of vinegar in the water she gives to one of the plants. She measures the growth of the plants every week for five weeks and records the results in a data table. Select all of the constants of this experiment.

The plant with the vinegar

The plant without vinegar

Geranium size

Amount of sunlight

Growth of plants


Amount of water

The constants of this experiment are:

- Geranium size
- Amount of sunlight
- Temperature
- Amount of water

The constants of this experiment are:

- Geranium size: The size of the geraniums that were transplanted into the pots remains constant throughout the experiment.
- Amount of sunlight: Both plants are placed in the same location and receive the same amount of sunlight each day.
- Temperature: Both plants are kept in the same location and experience the same temperature conditions.
- Amount of water: Both plants receive the same amount of water.

The constants of this experiment are:

- Geranium size: Both plants used in the experiment are of similar size, meaning the starting plant size is kept constant.

- Amount of sunlight: Both plants are placed in the same location receiving the same amount of sunlight each day, ensuring the exposure to sunlight is constant.

- Temperature: Both plants are kept in the same location, so they experience the same temperature conditions throughout the experiment, making the temperature constant.

- Amount of water: Both plants receive the same amount of water, ensuring a constant water supply.

The variables in this experiment are:

- The plant with the vinegar: This is the experimental group that receives water with vinegar added.

- The plant without vinegar: This is the control group that receives water without vinegar.

- Growth of plants: This is the variable being measured, as the growth of the plants is recorded each week for five weeks.