In “Growing Up: Key Moments,” which piece of evidence best supports the author’s idea that challenging moments help people learn as they grow up?

The piece of evidence that best supports the author's idea that challenging moments help people learn as they grow up is when the author mentions that overcoming challenges helps individuals develop resilience and problem-solving skills.

To determine the piece of evidence that best supports the author's idea that challenging moments help people learn as they grow up in the essay "Growing Up: Key Moments," we would need to analyze the text further. Could you provide any specific quotes or information from the essay that could help in finding the most suitable evidence?

To find the piece of evidence that best supports the author's idea that challenging moments help people learn as they grow up, you will need to analyze the text "Growing Up: Key Moments" for relevant information. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Locate the text: Find the text "Growing Up: Key Moments" either in print or online. This might involve searching in a textbook, an article, or any other source where the text can be found.

2. Understand the author's idea: Read the text carefully and identify the author's main idea or thesis statement. In this case, the author's idea is that challenging moments help people learn as they grow up.

3. Look for evidence: Scan the text for specific pieces of evidence that support the author's idea. These may come in the form of personal anecdotes, examples, statistics, or expert opinions.

4. Evaluate the evidence: Once you have found potential pieces of evidence, analyze their relevance and effectiveness in supporting the author's idea. Consider the strength of the evidence, its clarity, and its connection to the main idea.

5. Select the best evidence: Determine which piece of evidence best supports the author's idea. Compare the different options based on their persuasiveness, relevance, and overall impact on the reader.

It's important to note that without having access to the actual text "Growing Up: Key Moments," it is impossible to pinpoint the specific evidence that supports the author's idea. You'll need to follow the aforementioned steps using the actual text to determine the best piece of evidence.