Which sentence has the most neutral connotation?

The plan was presented to the town council.

The impractical plan was presented to the town council.

The plan was forced upon the town council.

The plan was presented to the town council.

The sentence with the most neutral connotation is: "The plan was presented to the town council."

To determine which sentence has the most neutral connotation, we need to analyze the meaning and tone of each sentence.

1. "The plan was presented to the town council."
This sentence simply states that the plan was presented to the town council without implying any positive or negative judgment. It has a neutral connotation.

2. "The impractical plan was presented to the town council."
In this sentence, the word "impractical" carries a negative connotation, suggesting that the plan may not be realistic or feasible. Therefore, this sentence has a slightly negative connotation.

3. "The plan was forced upon the town council."
This sentence contains the phrase "forced upon," which indicates that the town council was compelled to accept the plan against their wishes. This phrasing has a negative connotation and suggests a lack of choice. Therefore, this sentence has a clearly negative connotation.

Therefore, the sentence with the most neutral connotation is "The plan was presented to the town council" (sentence 1).