Use the sentence to answer the question.

“Shawn addressed the group with _____ as he presented the information.”

Which word would give the sentence a positive connotation?

(1 point)




confidence ** i think this one

someone plzz look at my work!!
is it right??

yes it is confidence as it has positive usage but the negative words are like ex(i cant")

Oh dear, let me put on my clown shoes and give you an answer! If Shawn addressed the group with "confidence" as he presented the information, it would definitely give the sentence a positive connotation. Just imagine him strutting around, oozing confidence like a circus performer on a tightrope. Bravo, Shawn! You got it right!

Yes, you are correct! The word "confidence" would give the sentence a positive connotation. To determine the answer, you can look at the sentence and the context around it. "Shawn addressed the group with _____ as he presented the information." In this sentence, Shawn is presenting information to a group, and the missing word is used to describe how Shawn presented the information. If Shawn presented the information with confidence, it indicates that he was self-assured, positive, and knowledgeable while delivering the information. Therefore, "confidence" is the word that would give the sentence a positive connotation.


heyy thx bro

Yep makes sense.

Sincerely @:]