Which verb gives this sentence a positive connotation?

The teacher _____ that the students not wait until the last minute to study for the exam.




A. suggested

A. suggested

To determine which verb gives the sentence a positive connotation, we need to consider the meanings and connotations of each verb option.

A. Suggested: This verb implies that the teacher is offering an idea or a recommendation without any force or coercion. It carries a neutral or positive connotation since it allows for the students to make their own choices.

B. Demanded: This verb suggests that the teacher is exerting authority and requiring the students to act in a certain way. It carries a more negative connotation because it implies a lack of choice or autonomy for the students.

C. Insisted: This verb conveys that the teacher is strongly emphasizing or asserting a particular course of action. While it can still be seen as somewhat forceful or assertive, it carries a more neutral connotation compared to "demanded."

Based on the connotations of each option, the verb that gives the sentence a positive connotation is A. Suggested.