4.82x10^12 x256.7=?

show work and weite answer in scientific notation.

To multiply these numbers, we can multiply the coefficients and add the exponents.

4.82 x 10^12 x 256.7
= (4.82 x 256.7) x 10^12
= 1238.994 x 10^12

To express the number in scientific notation, we need to move the decimal point one place to the left and increase the exponent by 1.

= 1.238994 x 10^15

Therefore, 4.82 x 10^12 x 256.7 = 1.238994 x 10^15.

To multiply 4.82 x 10^12 by 256.7, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the two numbers without considering the exponents:
4.82 x 256.7 = 1239.494

Step 2: Multiply the exponents by adding them together:
10^12 x 10^0 = 10^12+0 = 10^12

Step 3: Combine the result from step 1 with the result from step 2 and express it in scientific notation:
= 1239.494 x 10^12

Therefore, 4.82 x 10^12 x 256.7 is equal to 1.239494 x 10^15 in scientific notation.

To multiply two numbers written in scientific notation, you need to multiply their coefficients, and add their exponents.

Let's break down the given numbers into their coefficients and exponents:

4.82 x 10^12 = coefficient: 4.82, exponent: 12
256.7 = coefficient: 256.7, exponent: 0

Now, let's multiply the coefficients:

4.82 x 256.7 = 1239.854

To determine the exponent of the resulting number, add the exponents of the original numbers:

12 + 0 = 12

Therefore, the answer in scientific notation is:

1.239854 x 10^15