Funny cube root of -8: ³√-8

The funny cube root of -8 is -2 because when you cube -2 (which is (-2) x (-2) x (-2)), you get -8.

To find the cube root of -8, we can use the formula:

³√a = sign(a) * √(√(a^2 / 3))

Applying this formula to -8, we get:

³√-8 = sign(-8) * √(√((-8)^2 / 3))

First, we calculate (-8)^2, which is equal to 64:

³√-8 = sign(-8) * √(√(64 / 3))

Next, we divide 64 by 3:

³√-8 = sign(-8) * √(√(21.3333))

Finally, we take the square root of 21.3333, which is approximately 4.6188:

³√-8 ≈ -4.6188.

To find the cube root of -8, we can write it as:


The cube root of a number is the value that, when multiplied by itself twice, gives the original number. In this case, we are looking for a number that, when multiplied by itself twice, gives -8.

One way to find the cube root of a number is to raise it to the power of 1/3. So, we can rewrite the equation as:


To evaluate this expression, we can use a calculator or a math software. Calculating the cube root of -8 using a calculator or math software will give us the answer, which is -2.

So, the funny cube root of -8 is -2.