Which human action would help reduce global warming?(1 point)


Clear more forests to produce more farmland.
Clear more forests to produce more farmland.

Eat less red meat so fewer cattle need to be raised.
Eat less red meat so fewer cattle need to be raised.

Ride a bicycle rather than walk to school.
Ride a bicycle rather than walk to school.

Use more fertilizers to increase crop production.

Eat less red meat so fewer cattle need to be raised.

The human action that would help reduce global warming is:

- Eat less red meat so fewer cattle need to be raised.

The human action that would help reduce global warming is "Eat less red meat so fewer cattle need to be raised." Reducing the consumption of red meat would decrease the demand for raising cattle, which contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Here's how you can determine the correct answer:

1. Understand the impact of different actions: To identify which action helps reduce global warming, you need to have knowledge of the environmental impact of different activities. In this case, you should be aware that cattle farming is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, particularly due to methane released during digestion.

2. Evaluate the given options: Look at each option and consider how it relates to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Clearing more forests for farmland, using more fertilizers to increase crop production, or riding a bicycle instead of walking to school do not directly address the issue of greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Analyze the implications of each action: Evaluate the potential impact of each action on global warming. Clearing more forests leads to deforestation, which actually worsens climate change as forests act as carbon sinks. Likewise, using more fertilizers may increase crop production but can contribute to nitrous oxide emissions, which are also potent greenhouse gases. Riding a bicycle instead of walking is a good environmental choice but does not directly address reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

4. Consider the impact of eating less red meat: Understanding that cattle farming and the consumption of beef are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, the action of eating less red meat would decrease the demand for raising cattle. This can result in a reduced number of cattle, therefore reducing methane emissions and overall greenhouse gas emissions.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is "Eat less red meat so fewer cattle need to be raised" as it directly targets a significant contributor to global warming.