Which action would help reduce global warming?(1 point)


A.Use more fuel-efficient cars.

B.Use more paper products.

C.Use more plastic products.

D.Use more electricity.

A. Use more fuel-efficient cars.


A. Use more fuel-efficient cars.

Reducing global warming can be achieved by using more fuel-efficient cars. These cars consume less fuel and emit fewer greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which helps to mitigate the effects of global warming. By opting for fuel-efficient vehicles, we can lower carbon emissions and reduce our overall impact on the environment.

The action that would help reduce global warming is to use more fuel-efficient cars (Choice A).

To understand why this is the correct answer, it's important to consider the impact of each option on greenhouse gas emissions, which are the primary cause of global warming.

Choice B, using more paper products, is not an effective way to reduce global warming. Paper production contributes to deforestation, which in turn leads to increased carbon dioxide emissions. Furthermore, the production process itself also emits greenhouse gases.

Choice C, using more plastic products, is also not a favorable option. Plastic production is an energy-intensive process that relies heavily on fossil fuels, which are major contributors to greenhouse gases. Additionally, plastic waste is a significant environmental problem that contributes to pollution.

Choice D, using more electricity, also has implications for global warming. While electricity itself is not a direct emission source, most electricity is generated from burning fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide. Therefore, using more electricity without relying on clean energy sources would increase greenhouse gas emissions.

On the other hand, Choice A, using more fuel-efficient cars, is a valid solution. Cars are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, primarily through burning fossil fuels. By using vehicles that have better fuel efficiency, less carbon dioxide is produced per mile traveled. This helps reduce the overall emissions and mitigates the impact of transportation on global warming.

In conclusion, by choosing more fuel-efficient cars (Choice A), we can take a significant step towards reducing global warming.