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Which of the following would be the best choice to represent with percentages?(1 point) Responses what part of a pizza has been eaten what part of a pizza has been eaten what part of an hour you spent on an assignment what part of an hour you spent on an assignment what part of the vote each candidate received in an election what part of the vote each candidate received in an election what part of a quart is needed for a recipe (a quart is 32 ounces)

To determine which of the following choices would be the best choice to represent with percentages, we need to consider the nature of the problem and the relevance of using percentages in each scenario.

1) What part of a pizza has been eaten - Percentages would be a suitable choice in this scenario as it allows the representation of the portion consumed relative to the whole pizza. For example, if half of the pizza has been eaten, it can be represented as 50%.

2) What part of an hour you spent on an assignment - Percentages may not be the most appropriate choice in this scenario. Since an hour consists of 60 minutes, it would be more suitable to represent the time spent as minutes or fractions of an hour.

3) What part of the vote each candidate received in an election - Percentages are commonly used to represent the proportion of votes received by each candidate in an election. It provides an easy comparison between the candidates' vote shares, making it an ideal choice.

4) What part of a quart is needed for a recipe (a quart is 32 ounces) - In this scenario, using percentages would not be the most appropriate choice. Since a quart is a fixed measurement of 32 ounces, it would be more suitable to express the recipe's requirement in ounces or fractions of a quart.

From the given options, the best choice to represent with percentages would be: What part of the vote each candidate received in an election.

To determine which choice would be the best to represent with percentages, we need to consider the context and purpose of using percentages.

1. Representing what part of a pizza has been eaten: Percentages can be used to indicate the proportion of the pizza that has been consumed. For example, if half of the pizza has been eaten, it can be represented as 50% eaten.

2. Representing what part of an hour you spent on an assignment: Using percentages in this case may not be the most effective choice. Percentage typically represents parts of a whole, whereas measuring time spent on an assignment is better suited to fractions or decimals. For instance, if you spent 45 minutes on an assignment, it can be represented as 45/60 (or 0.75) hours.

3. Representing what part of the vote each candidate received in an election: Percentages are commonly used to demonstrate the portion of votes each candidate received. For instance, if Candidate A receives 60% of the votes, it indicates that they obtained the majority of the votes.

4. Representing what part of a quart is needed for a recipe: Using percentages can be a suitable choice to indicate the proportion of a quart needed for a recipe. For example, if the recipe requires 8 ounces (1/4 quart), it can be represented as 25% of a quart.

Based on the above information, the best choice to represent with percentages would be: "What part of the vote each candidate received in an election."

To determine which choice would be the best to represent with percentages, let's consider each option and evaluate its appropriateness and relevance for percentage representation.

1. What part of a pizza has been eaten?
For this choice, we can easily represent the portion of the pizza that has been eaten with percentages. For example, if half of the pizza has been consumed, it can be represented as 50%.

2. What part of an hour you spent on an assignment?
This choice does not lend itself well to percentages because an hour is a fixed unit of time. Representing it with percentages would not accurately reflect the time spent on the assignment.

3. What part of the vote each candidate received in an election?
This choice is ideal for percentage representation. Percentages can be used to show the proportion of votes received by each candidate. For instance, if Candidate A received 60% of the votes and Candidate B received 40%, this effectively represents the distribution of votes.

4. What part of a quart is needed for a recipe?
Since a quart is a fixed unit of measurement (32 ounces), it is not suitable for percentage representation. However, if a recipe requires a certain proportion of a quart, such as 1/4 quart, it can be converted into ounces (8 ounces) to provide a more tangible measure.

Based on the analysis above, the choices that lend themselves well to percentage representation are:
- What part of a pizza has been eaten?
- What part of the vote each candidate received in an election.

It's important to note that the suitability of each option for percentage representation may vary depending on the context and specific details of the situation.