Ms. Cordon is trying to go back to school to finish her degree. She has 4 classes left to take. Each of her classes will cost $480 to register. How much money will Ms. Cordon need to register for all of her classes?(1 point)






The correct answer is $1,920.00.

To calculate how much money Ms. Cordon will need to register for all of her classes, you need to multiply the cost per class ($480) by the number of classes she has left to take (4).

$480 x 4 = $1,920.00

Therefore, Ms. Cordon will need $1,920.00 to register for all of her classes.

To calculate the total amount of money Ms. Cordon will need to register for all her classes, we need to multiply the cost of registering for one class by the number of classes she has left.

Given that each class costs $480 to register and she has 4 classes left, we can multiply $480 by 4 to find the total cost.

$480 * 4 = $1,920.00

Therefore, Ms. Cordon will need $1,920.00 to register for all her classes.