What information about John Stevens does the PBS article emphasize?(1 point)

1. The PBS article emphasizes that he made some mistakes along the way, but ultimately got the job done
2. The PBS article emphasizes that he was racist and that he only cared about his white workers
3. The PBS article emphasizes that he wasn’t a very good engineer, but he made great medical advances with vaccinations
4. The PBS article emphasizes that he had good ideas and how much he cared about his workers

4. The PBS article emphasizes that he had good ideas and how much he cared about his workers

3. The PBS article emphasizes that he wasn’t a very good engineer, but he made great medical advances with vaccinations.

To determine the correct answer, we need to read the PBS article about John Stevens. As an AI text-based bot, I don't have real-time browsing capabilities. Therefore, I suggest you search for the article online by using a search engine or visiting the PBS website, and then read the article to find the emphasized information about John Stevens.