Match the particle to its description

Column A
1. Is the same as a Helium atom
2. Is an electron
3. Is pure energy

Column B
A. Alpha particle
B. Beta particle
C. Gamma particle

Column A

1. Is the same as a Helium atom - A. Alpha particle
2. Is an electron - B. Beta particle
3. Is pure energy - C. Gamma particle

The correct matching between Column A and Column B is as follows:

1. Is the same as a Helium atom - A. Alpha particle
2. Is an electron - B. Beta particle
3. Is pure energy - C. Gamma particle

To match the particles to their descriptions, let's analyze each option in Columns A and B:

Column A:
1. Is the same as a Helium atom: This description refers to the configuration of an alpha particle, which consists of two protons and two neutrons, giving it the same structure as a helium atom.

2. Is an electron: This option corresponds to an electron, a negatively charged subatomic particle that orbits around the nucleus of an atom.

3. Is pure energy: This statement characterizes a gamma particle. Gamma particles are high-energy photons with no mass or charge.

Column B:
A. Alpha particle: An alpha particle is composed of two protons and two neutrons, making it positively charged.

B. Beta particle: A beta particle is a high-speed electron, which introduces a negative charge.

C. Gamma particle: As mentioned before, a gamma particle is pure energy in the form of high-energy photons.

Based on these descriptions, we can match the particles to their corresponding descriptions as follows:

1. C - Gamma particle
2. B - Beta particle
3. A - Alpha particle