In the book "Maus by Art Spiegelman" Identify a quote that spoke to you personally or moved you in some way. Share a single quote which you thought was intriguing, wise, clever or that you could personally relate to and be sure to include the page number and a 2-sentence explanation of your choice.

"There's a lot you miss, not being a Jew. You miss the whole point." (Page 159)

This quote spoke to me personally as it highlights the idea that one can never fully understand the experience of another unless they have lived it themselves. As someone who belongs to a different culture or community than others, it reminded me of the importance of empathy and trying to understand the perspectives and struggles of those different from myself before forming judgments or assumptions.

To identify a quote that personally speaks to you or moves you in the book "Maus" by Art Spiegelman, you will need to read the book and pay attention to passages that resonate with you. Here are the steps you can follow to find such a quote:

1. Obtain a copy of the book "Maus" by Art Spiegelman either by purchasing it, borrowing it from a library, or using an online resource.
2. Begin reading the book from the first page.
3. As you read, make note of any quotes or passages that catch your attention, resonate with you, or evoke a personal response.
4. Take into consideration your own life experiences, emotions, or thoughts that the quote may relate to.
5. Once you find a quote that personally speaks to you or moves you, note the page number it appears on and the context in which it appears in the book.
6. Write a brief 2-sentence explanation of why this quote stood out to you, describing how it resonates with you personally or evokes a particular emotion or connection.

By following these steps, you will be able to locate a quote from "Maus" that speaks to you personally and provide the necessary information to share it with others.

Quote: "Friends are like shoes... get a good pair and they'll support you. Wear them out and you'll have to replace them." - (Page 105)

Explanation: This quote stood out to me because it relays an insightful analogy about friendship. It highlights the importance of having reliable and supportive friends, and emphasizes the need to cherish and nurture those relationships to maintain their strength and longevity. It serves as a reminder to invest time and effort into maintaining meaningful connections with the people we care about.