Masami’s newly-released video game has received much praise for its distinctive audio. Which of the following types of external content should Masami monetize?

(1 point)

digital art book

digital art book



behind-the-scenes video

behind-the-scenes video

novel based on the main character


Which of the following terms refers to how team members interact with each other?

(1 point)





group dynamics

group dynamics


group dynamics

Khalid is starting a game development business of his own. Which of the following is a legal requirement?

(1 point)

to report income on yearly taxes

to report income on yearly taxes

to open a personal bank account

to open a personal bank account

to open a business bank account

to open a business bank account

to hire a team of developers

to report income on yearly taxes

To determine which type of external content Masami should monetize for their video game with distinctive audio, we need to consider which option could potentially generate revenue and complement the game experience. Let's go through each option:

1. Digital art book: While a digital art book can be a valuable addition to the game, it might not be the most lucrative choice for monetization. However, if the game has stunning visual artwork or a dedicated fanbase, it could still be a decent option for generating additional income.

2. Soundtrack: Given that the game has received praise for its distinctive audio, monetizing the soundtrack seems like a strong choice. Fans of the game's audio might be interested in purchasing and listening to the soundtrack separately.

3. Behind-the-scenes video: This option provides an insight into the development process and could be appealing to fans who want to learn more about how the game was made. Monetizing behind-the-scenes videos can generate revenue if there is sufficient demand and interest from the audience.

4. Novel based on the main character: While this option could be interesting for fans invested in the game's story and characters, it might not be the most profitable choice for monetization. Novels require additional resources for writing and publishing, and the potential market for game-related novels may not be as large as other options.

Based on the distinctive audio of the game, the most suitable option for monetization would likely be the soundtrack. It aligns directly with the strength of the game and can be marketed separately to fans of the audio experience. However, depending on the fanbase and interest in other aspects of the game, Masami could also consider monetizing behind-the-scenes videos or the digital art book as additional sources of revenue.