Which of the following describes fertilization?

The process of pollen moving from place to place
When an animal is attracted to a flower
The changes that occur in organisms over time
When a sperm cell and egg cell come together

When a sperm cell and egg cell come together

The correct option is: When a sperm cell and egg cell come together.

Fertilization is the process by which a sperm cell and egg cell combine to form a zygote, which will develop into a new individual. This process usually occurs in sexual reproduction, where male gametes (sperm) are released and travel to meet female gametes (eggs) in order to merge and initiate the formation of a new organism. So, out of the given options, fertilization is described as when a sperm cell and egg cell come together.

The correct answer is: "When a sperm cell and egg cell come together."

Fertilization is the process by which a sperm cell and an egg cell (also known as gametes) come together to form a zygote, which eventually develops into an embryo. It is a crucial step in sexual reproduction, occurring in both plants and animals.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate the other options by understanding their definitions:

1. "The process of pollen moving from place to place" refers to pollination, which is the transfer of pollen from the male reproductive organ (anther) to the female reproductive organ (stigma) in flowering plants. This is not the same as fertilization.

2. "When an animal is attracted to a flower" describes the process of flower pollination by animals, such as bees or birds. However, this also does not describe fertilization.

3. "The changes that occur in organisms over time" refers to evolution, which is the gradual change in organisms' characteristics and traits over generations. This process has no direct connection with fertilization.

In summary, the correct answer for describing fertilization is "When a sperm cell and egg cell come together."