oni is investigating different fitness plans available to her on the internet. which fitness plan meets the recommended amount of physical activity per week?

3 days of running 30 minutes, 2 days of walking 30 minutes

3 days of 45 minute HIIIT classes

5 days of swimming laps 20 minutes

3 days of weightlifting 20 minutes, 2 days of 30 minute Zumba?

The fitness plan that meets the recommended amount of physical activity per week is:

3 days of running 30 minutes, 2 days of walking 30 minutes

The fitness plan that meets the recommended amount of physical activity per week is:

3 days of running for 30 minutes, and 2 days of walking for 30 minutes.

To determine which fitness plan meets the recommended amount of physical activity per week, we need to know the recommended guidelines for physical activity. According to the American Heart Association and the World Health Organization, adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, along with muscle-strengthening activities at least two days per week.

Now, let's evaluate each fitness plan based on the guidelines:

1. 3 days of running 30 minutes, 2 days of walking 30 minutes:
Running at a moderate intensity for 30 minutes on 3 days and walking for 30 minutes on 2 days would provide a total of 3 * 30 + 2 * 30 = 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week, meeting the recommended guidelines.

2. 3 days of 45 minute HIIIT classes:
HIIIT classes (High-Intensity Interval Training) typically involve short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise. Doing HIIIT classes for 45 minutes on 3 days would provide a total of 3 * 45 = 135 minutes of aerobic activity per week, which is slightly below the recommended guidelines.

3. 5 days of swimming laps 20 minutes:
Swimming laps for 20 minutes on 5 days would provide a total of 5 * 20 = 100 minutes of aerobic activity per week, which is below the recommended guidelines.

4. 3 days of weightlifting 20 minutes, 2 days of 30 minute Zumba:
Weightlifting and Zumba are great for muscle-strengthening, but they do not meet the aerobic activity requirements alone. While strength training is important, the guidelines specifically mention the need for aerobic activity.

Based on the information provided, the fitness plan that meets the recommended amount of physical activity per week is the plan that includes 3 days of running for 30 minutes and 2 days of walking for 30 minutes.