oni is investigating different fitness plans available to her on the internet. which fitness plan meets the recommended amount of physical activity per week?

3 days of running 30 minutes, 2 days of walking 30 minutes

3 days of 45 minute HIIIT classes

5 days of swimming laps 20 minutes

3 days of weightlifting 20 minutes, 2 days of 30 minute Zumba

The fitness plan that meets the recommended amount of physical activity per week is:

3 days of running 30 minutes + 2 days of walking 30 minutes.

This plan includes a total of 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, which is the minimum recommended by most health organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Heart Association (AHA).

To determine which fitness plan meets the recommended amount of physical activity per week, we need to know the recommended guidelines. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Heart Association (AHA) recommend adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, or a combination of the two.

Now let's evaluate the different fitness plans based on the recommended guidelines:

1. 3 days of running 30 minutes, 2 days of walking 30 minutes:
Running and walking are both considered moderate-intensity aerobic activities. If we assume each session is 30 minutes, then the total weekly time spent on aerobic activity is:
(3 days of running * 30 minutes) + (2 days of walking * 30 minutes) = 90 + 60 = 150 minutes. This meets the recommended guideline for moderate-intensity aerobic activity.

2. 3 days of 45 minute HIIT classes:
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) exercises are usually considered vigorous-intensity aerobic activities. Each session lasts 45 minutes, so the total weekly time spent on aerobic activity is:
3 days of HIIT * 45 minutes = 135 minutes. This does not meet the recommended guideline for vigorous-intensity aerobic activity.

3. 5 days of swimming laps 20 minutes:
Swimming laps can be either moderate-intensity or vigorous-intensity, depending on the effort put into it. If each session is 20 minutes, then the total weekly time spent on aerobic activity is:
5 days of swimming * 20 minutes = 100 minutes. This does not meet the recommended guideline for either moderate or vigorous-intensity aerobic activity.

4. 3 days of weightlifting 20 minutes, 2 days of 30-minute Zumba:
Weightlifting is not considered aerobic activity, but rather strength training. Zumba dance sessions, on the other hand, can be moderate-intensity aerobic activities. If we consider the Zumba sessions only, the total weekly time spent on aerobic activity would be:
2 days of Zumba * 30 minutes = 60 minutes. This does not meet the recommended guideline for moderate-intensity aerobic activity.

Based on the analysis, the fitness plan that meets the recommended amount of physical activity per week is the first option: 3 days of running 30 minutes, 2 days of walking 30 minutes. This plan accumulates a total of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity.

To determine which fitness plan meets the recommended amount of physical activity per week, we need to consider the recommended guidelines. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adults should aim for at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, or 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or an equivalent combination of both. Additionally, strength training exercises should be done at least two days per week.

Now, let's analyze each fitness plan to see if it meets the recommended amount of physical activity per week:

1. 3 days of running 30 minutes, 2 days of walking 30 minutes
- Let's calculate the total amount of aerobic activity for this plan:
- Running: 3 days x 30 minutes = 90 minutes
- Walking: 2 days x 30 minutes = 60 minutes
- Total aerobic activity: 90 minutes (running) + 60 minutes (walking) = 150 minutes
- This plan meets the minimum recommended amount of aerobic activity per week.

2. 3 days of 45-minute HIIT classes
- Let's calculate the total amount of aerobic activity for this plan:
- HIIT classes: 3 days x 45 minutes = 135 minutes
- Total aerobic activity: 135 minutes
- This plan meets the minimum recommended amount of aerobic activity per week.

3. 5 days of swimming laps 20 minutes
- Let's calculate the total amount of aerobic activity for this plan:
- Swimming: 5 days x 20 minutes = 100 minutes
- Total aerobic activity: 100 minutes
- This plan does not meet the minimum recommended amount of aerobic activity per week.

4. 3 days of weightlifting 20 minutes, 2 days of 30-minute Zumba
- Let's calculate the total amount of aerobic activity for this plan:
- Weightlifting: 3 days x 20 minutes = 60 minutes
- Zumba: 2 days x 30 minutes = 60 minutes
- Total aerobic activity: 60 minutes (weightlifting) + 60 minutes (Zumba) = 120 minutes
- This plan does not meet the minimum recommended amount of aerobic activity per week.

Based on the analysis, both the first fitness plan (3 days of running 30 minutes, 2 days of walking 30 minutes) and the second fitness plan (3 days of 45-minute HIIT classes) meet the recommended amount of physical activity per week.