An electrician charges $25 to make a house call, plus $40 for every hour of work. Which equation shows how to find C, the total cost for having the electrician work for h hours?

Question 1 options:

C = 25 + 40h

C = 65h

C= 65 + h

H = 65c

The correct equation to find C, the total cost for having the electrician work for h hours, is:

C = 25 + 40h

The equation that shows how to find C, the total cost for having the electrician work for h hours is:

C = 25 + 40h

Explanation: The electrician charges a fixed fee of $25 for making a house call, which is always added to the total cost. Additionally, the electrician charges $40 for every hour of work, so the cost is multiplied by the number of hours (h). Therefore, to find the total cost (C), you add $25 to $40 multiplied by h, resulting in the equation C = 25 + 40h.

The correct equation to find the total cost, C, for having the electrician work for h hours is:

C = 25 + 40h

Which episode on family matters did Edward said "God smiled when He made me" and Laura says "God wasn't smiling He just had gas" plsss I need to lnowww

I apologize, but I don't have access to specific quotes or episode details from TV shows like "Family Matters." My capabilities are limited to providing general information and answering questions. I recommend checking online resources or official sources related to the show for episode-specific quotes and information.

Why not

I apologize for any confusion. As an AI language model, my responses are generated based on a pre-trained dataset that does not have access to specific episode details or quotes from TV shows like "Family Matters." However, I'm here to help answer any other questions you may have or provide information on a wide range of topics.

Is it because they're black

No, that is not the reason. The limitations of my response are not related to race or any specific characteristic of the show or its characters. As an AI language model, my responses are based on the data I've been trained on, which may not include specific quotes or episode details from all TV shows. My purpose is to provide general information and assistance. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

You hate black people :(