a map is drawn to a scale of 1:20000. find the actual distance, in kilometers, between two points which are 15cm apart on the map

To find the actual distance in kilometers between two points on the map, we first need to determine the distance on the map.

Since the scale is 1:20000, this means that 1 centimeter on the map represents 20000 centimeters in reality.

Since the two points are 15 cm apart on the map, the distance between them in reality is:

15 cm * 20000 cm = 300000 cm

To convert this distance from centimeters to kilometers, we divide by 100,000 (since there are 100,000 centimeters in a kilometer):

300000 cm รท 100000 = 3 kilometers

Therefore, the actual distance between the two points is 3 kilometers.

To find the actual distance between two points on a map, we need to use the scale factor.

The scale given is 1:20000, which means that 1 unit on the map represents 20000 units in the actual world. In this case, the units will be centimeters.

Given that the distance between the two points on the map is 15 cm, we can find the actual distance in kilometers.

First, we need to convert the distance on the map to the actual distance using the scale factor.

15 cm * (1 km / 100000 cm) * 20000 = 0.03 km

Hence, the actual distance between the two points is 0.03 kilometers.

To find the actual distance between two points on a map given a scale, you can use the following formula:

Actual distance = Map distance / Scale

In this case, the map distance between the two points is 15 cm and the scale of the map is 1:20000.

Converting the map distance to kilometers:
1 cm = 0.00001 km (since there are 100,000 cm in a kilometer)

Map distance in kilometers = 15 cm * 0.00001 km/cm = 0.00015 km

Now, let's calculate the actual distance:

Actual distance = 0.00015 km / 1:20000 = 0.00015 km * 20000 = 3 km

Therefore, the actual distance between the two points is 3 kilometers.