A movie theater charges $10 for an adult ticket and nine dollars for a child ticket. The gold is to make $1200 an adult ticket each week did the movie theater make it gold this week how much more or less than the gold did the theater make so you have 13 and 12 for child and adults for Monday 18 and five for child and adult Tuesday 15 and 28 for child in

adult for Wednesday 19 and 11 for child and adult for Thursday 14 and 21 for child and adult for Friday.

To determine if the movie theater met its goal for the week, we need to calculate the total revenue from adult tickets for each day and sum them up for the entire week.

For Monday: 13 adult tickets * $10/adult ticket = $130
For Tuesday: 18 adult tickets * $10/adult ticket = $180
For Wednesday: 15 adult tickets * $10/adult ticket = $150
For Thursday: 19 adult tickets * $10/adult ticket = $190
For Friday: 14 adult tickets * $10/adult ticket = $140

Total revenue from adult tickets for the week = $130 + $180 + $150 + $190 + $140 = $790

Since the movie theater's goal is to make $1200 from adult tickets each week, they did not meet their goal this week. They made $790, which is $410 less than the goal.

To determine if the movie theater reached its goal, we need to calculate the total revenue for adult tickets each day and sum them up for the entire week.

Adult ticket sales = $10 * 13 = $130
Child ticket sales = $9 * 12 = $108
Total revenue = $130 + $108 = $238

Adult ticket sales = $10 * 12 = $120
Child ticket sales = $9 * 5 = $45
Total revenue = $120 + $45 = $165

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are missing in the question. Please provide the number of adult and child tickets sold for those days, and I can help you calculate the total revenue for the entire week.

To determine whether the movie theater met its goal and how much more or less it made, you need to calculate the total revenue for each day and sum them up for the week.

On Monday:
Adult tickets sold: 13
Child tickets sold: 12

Total revenue on Monday:
Adult ticket revenue: 13 * $10 = $130
Child ticket revenue: 12 * $9 = $108

Total revenue on Monday: $130 + $108 = $238

On Tuesday:
Adult tickets sold: 18
Child tickets sold: 5

Total revenue on Tuesday:
Adult ticket revenue: 18 * $10 = $180
Child ticket revenue: 5 * $9 = $45

Total revenue on Tuesday: $180 + $45 = $225

On Wednesday:
Adult tickets sold: 15
Child tickets sold: 28

Total revenue on Wednesday:
Adult ticket revenue: 15 * $10 = $150
Child ticket revenue: 28 * $9 = $252

Total revenue on Wednesday: $150 + $252 = $402

Now, sum up the revenue from each day to get the total revenue for the week:

Total revenue for the week: $238 + $225 + $402 = $865

To determine whether the movie theater met its goal of making $1200, compare the total revenue for the week with the goal:

$865 < $1200

Therefore, the theater did not meet its goal this week.

To calculate how much less the theater made compared to the goal, subtract the total revenue from the goal:

Amount less than the goal: $1200 - $865 = $335

So, the movie theater made $335 less than its goal this week.