Conor is going to the movie theater. A ticket to a movie costs t dollars, and there is a

15% amusement tax on each ticket.
a. Conor buys a ticket to see a movie. Write two expressions in terms of t
showing his total cost

1. The expression for the cost of the ticket without the amusement tax is t.

2. The expression for the total cost including the amusement tax is t + 0.15t.

write an equation for the first one now

The equation for the total cost of the ticket without the amusement tax (t) is:

Cost = t

b. Choose a value for t greater than $12 and less than $13. Use one of the

expressions you wrote in part a to find Conor’s total cost, rounded to the
nearest penny. Show your work.

Let's choose t to be $12.50.

Using the second expression we wrote in part a:
Total Cost = t + 0.15t

Plugging in t = $12.50:
Total Cost = 12.50 + 0.15(12.50)
Total Cost = 12.50 + 1.875
Total Cost = $14.375

Rounded to the nearest penny:
Total Cost ≈ $14.38

c. Suppose that Conor’s total cost to see the movie is greater than $17.50 and

less than $20. What could be a value of t to make that possible?

write that in kids's words

To find a value of t that makes Conor's total cost to see the movie between $17.50 and $20, we can use a little math. We have an equation: 1.15 times x equals 20. We want to know what x (which represents t) is. After solving the equation, we find that x is about 17.39. So, a possible value for t that makes Conor's total cost fall between $17.50 and $20 is around $17.39.

what is the value of "t" to make this possible

Apologies for any confusion. The value of t that makes Conor's total cost fall between $17.50 and $20 is approximately $15.22.