Which of the following ranges best identifies the amount of wealth that the British Empire extracted from India?(1 point) Responses 40 to 50 trillion 40 to 50 trillion 40 to 50 billion 40 to 50 billion 20 to 30 trillion 20 to 30 trillion 5 to 15 trillion

The most accurate range that identifies the amount of wealth extracted from India by the British Empire is "20 to 30 trillion."

The correct range that best identifies the amount of wealth that the British Empire extracted from India is 20 to 30 trillion.

To determine the correct answer among the given options, we need to calculate the amount of wealth extracted by the British Empire from India.

It's important to note that the British Empire ruled over India for almost two centuries, from the 18th century until India gained independence in 1947. During this period, India went through a process called colonial exploitation, where the British extracted resources, taxed the Indian population, and imposed trade policies that favored the British economy.

To estimate the amount of wealth extracted, we can consider factors such as trade imbalances, resource exploitation, and taxation policies. However, it is difficult to provide an exact figure as this is a complex topic and estimates can vary.

That being said, the options provided range from billions to trillions. Considering the size of the Indian economy and the lengthy period of colonial rule, it is plausible that the amount extracted would be in trillions rather than billions.

Out of the given options, the range of 40 to 50 trillion seems more plausible. Although we don't have a definitive figure, this higher range aligns with estimates that have been made by historians and economists.

In conclusion, the range that best identifies the amount of wealth the British Empire extracted from India would be 40 to 50 trillion.