42 1/2 ounces of crackers. He divides this into servings of 1 1/4 ounces. What is the number of servings Jeremy can make from the value pack.

8 1/2 servings
34 servings
43 3/4 servings
53 servings

To find the number of servings, we need to divide the total number of ounces by the weight per serving.

The total number of ounces of crackers is 42 1/2.

The weight per serving is 1 1/4 ounces.

42 1/2 / 1 1/4 = (85/2) / (5/4) = (85/2) * (4/5) = 17 * 4 = 68.

Therefore, Jeremy can make 68 servings from the value pack of crackers.

Answer: 68 servings

To find the number of servings Jeremy can make from the value pack, you need to divide the total weight of the crackers by the weight of each serving.

First, convert 42 1/2 ounces to a mixed fraction: 42 1/2 = 85/2 ounces.

Next, convert 1 1/4 ounces to a mixed fraction: 1 1/4 = 5/4 ounces.

Now, divide the total weight of the crackers (85/2 ounces) by the weight of each serving (5/4 ounces).

(85/2 ounces) ÷ (5/4 ounces) = (85/2) × (4/5) servings

Now, simplify the fraction:

(85/2) × (4/5) = (85 × 4) / (2 × 5) = 340/10 = 34 servings.

Therefore, Jeremy can make 34 servings from the value pack of crackers.

The correct answer is 34 servings.

To find the number of servings Jeremy can make from the value pack, we need to divide the total weight of the crackers (42 1/2 ounces) by the weight of each serving (1 1/4 ounces).

First, convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions:
42 1/2 = (42 × 2 + 1) / 2 = 85/2
1 1/4 = (1 × 4 + 1) / 4 = 5/4

Next, divide the total weight by the weight of each serving:
(85/2) ÷ (5/4) = (85/2) × (4/5) = (85 × 4) / (2 × 5) = 340/10 = 34

Therefore, Jeremy can make 34 servings from the value pack. The correct answer is 34 servings.