Jeremy buys a value pack of cheese crackers that contains ounces of crackers. He divides this into servings of ounces each. What is the total number of servings Jeremy can make from the value pack?

To find the total number of servings, we need to divide the total number of ounces in the value pack by the number of ounces per serving. Let's call the total number of ounces in the value pack "x" and the number of ounces per serving "y".

The number of servings = x / y.

Jeremy buys a value pack of cheese crackers that contains 42 1/2 ounces of crackers. He divides this into servings 1 1/2 of ounces each. What is the total number of servings Jeremy can make from the value pack?

To find the total number of servings, we need to divide the total number of ounces in the value pack by the number of ounces per serving.

First, we need to convert the mixed number 42 1/2 to a fraction. Since 1/2 is equivalent to 2/4, we have:

42 1/2 = 42 + 1/2 = 42 + 2/4 = 42 + 1/2 = 42 + 2/4 = 84/2 + 2/4 = 86/2

Now, let's divide the total number of ounces (86/2) by the number of ounces per serving (1 1/2):
(86/2) / (1 1/2)

To simplify, let's convert the mixed number 1 1/2 to an improper fraction. We have:

1 1/2 = 1 + 1/2 = 2/2 + 1/2 = 3/2

Therefore, we have:
(86/2) / (3/2) = 86/2 * 2/3 = 86/3.

Therefore, Jeremy can make a total of 86/3 = 28 2/3 servings from the value pack.


I apologize for the mistake. Let's calculate again:

To find the total number of servings, we need to divide the total number of ounces in the value pack by the number of ounces per serving.

The total number of ounces in the value pack is 42 1/2.
To simplify, we convert 42 1/2 to an improper fraction:

42 1/2 = 42 + 1/2 = 84/2 + 1/2 = 85/2

The number of ounces per serving is 1 1/2.
To simplify, we convert 1 1/2 to an improper fraction:

1 1/2 = 1 + 1/2 = 2/2 + 1/2 = 3/2

Now, let's divide the total number of ounces (85/2) by the number of ounces per serving (3/2):

(85/2) / (3/2) = 85/2 * 2/3 = 85/3

Therefore, Jeremy can make a total of 85/3 = 28 1/3 servings from the value pack.

Again, I apologize for the confusion in my previous response.

To find the total number of servings Jeremy can make from the value pack, divide the number of ounces in the value pack by the number of ounces per serving.

Let's say the value pack contains V ounces of crackers and each serving is S ounces.

The number of servings Jeremy can make, N, is given by the formula:
N = V / S

So, the total number of servings Jeremy can make from the value pack is N.

To find the total number of servings Jeremy can make from the value pack, you need to divide the total number of ounces in the value pack by the number of ounces in each serving.

Let's say the value pack contains X ounces of crackers and each serving is Y ounces.

To calculate the number of servings, you can use the following formula:

Total number of servings = Total number of ounces / Number of ounces per serving

Substituting the given values, the formula becomes:

Total number of servings = X / Y

So, to find the total number of servings Jeremy can make from the value pack, you need to divide the total number of ounces of crackers by the number of ounces in each serving.