According to The Call of the Wild, what can you conclude about Buck's life in the Santa Clara Valley? (1 point) Responses It was harsh and difficult. It was harsh and difficult. It was happy and easy. It was happy and easy. It was hard work and boring

It was happy and easy.

To answer this question and draw a conclusion about Buck's life in the Santa Clara Valley as depicted in The Call of the Wild, you will need to analyze the events and descriptions in the book. Here's how you can do that:

1. Read the relevant chapters: Identify the chapters in The Call of the Wild where Buck's life in the Santa Clara Valley is described. This will help you gather specific details and events that can contribute to your conclusion.

2. Consider the challenges and hardships Buck faced: Look for instances where Buck encounters difficulties or struggles in his life in the Santa Clara Valley. This could include harsh weather conditions, mistreatment, conflict with humans or other animals, or any other challenges that negatively impact his life.

3. Observe Buck's emotional state: Pay attention to Buck's emotions and how they are described. If the book portrays him as unhappy, scared, or struggling emotionally, it can indicate that his life in the Santa Clara Valley was harsh and difficult.

4. Evaluate the overall tone and atmosphere: Analyze the general tone and atmosphere of the Santa Clara Valley episodes. If the author vividly describes the valley as a harsh, unforgiving environment or portrays interactions with negative connotations, it can suggest a challenging life for Buck.

5. Look for contrasting experiences or positive moments: While the question seems to focus on a negative conclusion, it's essential to consider any instances of happiness or ease in Buck's life in the Santa Clara Valley. If the book mentions moments where Buck finds joy, comfort, or ease in his surroundings, it might indicate a mixed or more positive experience.

By following these steps and examining the relevant chapters and descriptions in The Call of the Wild, you should be able to draw a conclusion about Buck's life in the Santa Clara Valley.

Based on The Call of the Wild, you can conclude that Buck's life in the Santa Clara Valley was happy and easy.

Choose the appropriate vocabulary word from The Call of the Wild to fill in the blank in the following sentence: "Buck often went on walks, swam, or played with Judge Miller's ___________." (1 point) Responses progeny progeny demesnes demesnes intimates

Based on The Call of the Wild, the appropriate vocabulary word to fill in the blank would be "intimates."