The process by which a modified stem or root of a parent plant grows offspring that remain attached is called(1 point)



vegetative reproduction.
vegetative reproduction.

binary fission.
binary fission.

tuber reproduction.

vegetative reproduction.

The correct answer is vegetative reproduction.

The correct answer is vegetative reproduction.

To arrive at this answer, you can determine the correct option by understanding the process described in the question. In this case, the question mentions the growth of offspring that remain attached to a modified stem or root of a parent plant. This process is known as vegetative reproduction.

Fragmentation refers to the process where an organism breaks into pieces, and each piece can grow into a new individual. Binary fission is a method of reproduction used by single-celled organisms where one organism divides into two equal parts. Tuber reproduction does not exist in plants.

Therefore, the process described in the question aligns with the concept of vegetative reproduction.