In a _______ pay system, employees are paid for how much they produce not the tie they work

piece work
hourly wage
performance based

piece work

In a piece work pay system, employees are paid for how much they produce, not the time they work.

In a piece work pay system, employees are paid for how much they produce, rather than the time they work. This means that their compensation is directly tied to the quantity or quality of the work they complete. To determine the answer, you can start by understanding the different types of pay systems commonly used in the workplace.

One way to find the answer is by looking up information on different pay systems, such as piece work, exempt, hourly wage, and performance-based. You can search for articles, job descriptions, or Human Resources resources that explain these pay systems and their characteristics. Reading about each pay system will give you a clearer understanding of how they work and what distinguishes them from one another.

Alternatively, you can also ask someone who is knowledgeable about employment practices, such as a Human Resources professional or manager, to explain the various pay systems to you. They can provide insights based on their experience and expertise in managing employee compensation.

By gathering information and knowledge about different pay systems, you will be able to identify the correct answer to the question with confidence.