True or false: Chemical weathering form new substances, while physical weathering does not. (1point)


True. Chemical weathering involves the breakdown of rocks and minerals through chemical reactions, resulting in the formation of new substances. In contrast, physical weathering only involves the physical breakdown of rocks and minerals into smaller pieces without the formation of new substances.

True. Chemical weathering involves the breakdown of rocks through chemical reactions, which results in the formation of new substances. This often occurs when rocks come into contact with water, air, or other chemicals. On the other hand, physical weathering refers to the mechanical breakdown of rocks into smaller fragments without any change in the composition or chemical structure of the rocks. Physical weathering can be caused by factors such as temperature changes, wind erosion, or the actions of plants and animals.

What phrase best describes frost wedging? (1 point)

A. A type of physical weathering that occurs due to friction
B. A type of physical weathering that occurs due to temperature changes
C. A type of erosion that occurs due to friction
D. A type of erosion that occurs due to temperature changes

B. A type of physical weathering that occurs due to temperature changes