How is chemical weathering different than physical weathering?(1 point) Responses Chemical weathering forms new substances while physical weathering does not Chemical weathering forms new substances while physical weathering does not Chemical weathering and physical weathering are the same process using different terms Chemical weathering and physical weathering are the same process using different terms Chemical weathering results in the breadown of rock while physical weathering doe not Chemical weathering results in the breadown of rock while physical weathering doe not Physical weathering forms new substances while chemical weathering does not Physical weathering forms new substances while chemical weathering does not

The correct answer is: Chemical weathering forms new substances while physical weathering does not.

How do continental mountains form?

Indicate the type of plate boundary where continental mountains forms. (1 pts)
Explain how the plate movements form this features.(2 pts

Continental mountains primarily form at convergent plate boundaries, where two continental plates collide. The collision forces the crust to buckle and fold, resulting in the formation of large mountain ranges.

The formation of continental mountains begins with the convergence of two continental plates. As the plates collide, neither is able to be subducted or forced beneath the other. Instead, the collision causes the crust to crumple and fold, forming vast mountain ranges. These folds are a result of the immense pressure and compression exerted on the rocks and sediment in the collision zone.

Over millions of years, the compressional forces continue to act on the area, causing the folds to grow and stack up, resulting in the majestic peaks and ranges we see as mountains. The forces involved, including compression, uplift, and deformation, contribute to the creation of steep slopes, rugged terrain, and elevated peaks.

It is important to note that continental mountains can also be influenced by other processes, such as erosion and volcanic activity, which further shape and modify the mountain landscape.

Choose which type of weathering each process is demonstrating(4 points)

chemical weathering physcial weathering
frost wedging frost wedging
chemical weathering – frost wedging Image with alt text: frost wedging
physcial weathering – frost wedging Image with alt text: frost wedging
chemical weathering – oxidation
physcial weathering – oxidation
carbonation Chemical Weathering for Kids | Twinkl - Twinkl
chemical weathering – carbonation Image with alt text: Chemical Weathering for Kids | Twinkl - Twinkl
physcial weathering – carbonation Image with alt text: Chemical Weathering for Kids | Twinkl - Twinkl

exfoliation - physical weathering

is carbonation part of physical weathering or chemical weathering

Carbonation is a form of chemical weathering.

is oxidation part of physical weathering or chemical weathering

Oxidation is also a form of chemical weathering.

is frost wedging part of physical weathering or chemical weathering