The distance from Venus to the sun is about 67,000,000 miles. The distance from Earth to the sun is about 2.6×10^7 farther. What is the distance from Earth to the sun? Write your answer in scientific notation to 1 decimal place.(1 point)

The distance from Earth to the sun is about 93,000,000 miles. In scientific notation, that would be 9.3 × 10^7 miles.

To find the distance from Earth to the sun, we need to add the distance between Venus and the sun to the distance from Venus to Earth.

Distance from Venus to the sun = 67,000,000 miles

Since the distance from Earth to the sun is 2.6 x 10^7 (in scientific notation), we can rewrite it as 26,000,000 miles.

So, the distance from Earth to the sun is the sum of the distance from Venus to the sun and the distance from Venus to Earth:

Distance from Earth to the sun = Distance from Venus to the sun + Distance from Venus to Earth

Distance from Earth to the sun = 67,000,000 miles + 26,000,000 miles

Distance from Earth to the sun = 93,000,000 miles

Now, let's write the answer in scientific notation to one decimal place.

The distance from Earth to the sun is 9.3 x 10^7 miles (to 1 decimal place in scientific notation).

To find the distance from Earth to the sun, we can subtract the distance from Venus to the sun from the total distance, which is 67,000,000 miles.

Distance from Earth to the sun = Total distance - Distance from Venus to the sun
= 67,000,000 miles - 2.6×10^7 miles

To subtract these values, we need to convert them to the same units (miles).

The distance from Venus to the sun is already in miles, so we don't need to convert it.

Now, we can subtract:

Distance from Earth to the sun = 67,000,000 miles - 2.6×10^7 miles

To express it in scientific notation, we need to convert it to the form A × 10^B, where A is between 1 and 10.

To do this, we can divide the number by 10 until we obtain a value between 1 and 10.

Distance from Earth to the sun = 6.7×10^7 miles - 2.6×10^7 miles
= 3.1×10^7 miles

Therefore, the distance from Earth to the sun is approximately 3.1×10^7 miles when rounded to 1 decimal place.