What did Lord Baltimore do to attract more settlers to Maryland?

offered land grants to anyone who came and set up a plantation
offered land grants to anyone who came and settled the land on their own
offered land grants to anyone who came and settled the land who also brought over servants, women, and children
offered land grants to Protestants seeking religious freedom

offered land grants to Protestants seeking religious freedom

Lord Baltimore attracted more settlers to Maryland by offering land grants to anyone who came and settled the land who also brought over servants, women, and children.

Lord Baltimore, also known as Cecil Calvert, implemented several strategies to attract more settlers to Maryland:

1. Offered land grants to anyone who came and set up a plantation: One approach Lord Baltimore took was to offer land grants to individuals who were willing to establish and operate plantations in Maryland. These grants provided settlers with the opportunity to own and cultivate their own land, which incentivized them to move to Maryland and build a livelihood.

2. Offered land grants to anyone who came and settled the land on their own: Lord Baltimore also granted land to colonists who were willing to settle and develop the land on their own. This approach encouraged independent colonization and allowed settlers to establish their own communities and economic activities.

3. Offered land grants to anyone who came and settled the land who also brought over servants, women, and children: Another strategy employed by Lord Baltimore was to offer land grants to settlers who brought over servants, women, and children. This policy aimed to increase the population and build self-sustaining communities by attracting individuals who could contribute to the labor force and help develop the colony.

4. Offered land grants to Protestants seeking religious freedom: In addition to attracting settlers through land grants, Lord Baltimore specifically targeted Protestants seeking religious freedom. By offering land grants to Protestants, Lord Baltimore aimed to create a diverse and tolerant society that would foster religious freedom and attract individuals fleeing religious persecution in other parts of the world.

Overall, Lord Baltimore's strategies of offering land grants to settlers who established plantations, settled the land on their own, brought over servants and family members, and seeking religious freedom helped to attract a diverse range of individuals to Maryland. These policies played a crucial role in the successful colonization and development of the colony.