Use the map of the world’s oceans to answer the question.

The illustration shows warm currents towards the west in Alaska, cold currents to the east in California, and neutral currents near the equator. Neutral currents are also flowing in the Pacific Ocean. Warm currents are flowing to the east in the Arctic Ocean and to the south in the Atlantic Ocean. In the Indian Ocean, the warm currents are flowing to the south and cold currents are flowing to the north.

How does Brazil's current affect the climate of South America?

(1 point)

It brings cold temperatures to the eastern coast of South America.
It brings cold temperatures to the eastern coast of South America.

It brings cold temperatures to the western coast of South America.
It brings cold temperatures to the western coast of South America.

It brings warm temperatures to the western coast of South America.
It brings warm temperatures to the western coast of South America.

It brings warm temperatures to the eastern coast of South America.
It brings warm temperatures to the eastern coast of South America.
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The correct answer is: It brings warm temperatures to the eastern coast of South America.

Based on the map of the world's oceans, Brazil's current brings warm temperatures to the eastern coast of South America.

To answer this question using the map of the world's oceans, we need to locate Brazil and its surrounding waters on the map. Based on the information given in the question, we know that warm currents generally flow to the east in the Atlantic Ocean.

Looking at the map, we can see that Brazil is located on the eastern coast of South America, bordering the Atlantic Ocean. Since warm currents flow to the east in the Atlantic Ocean, the current that passes by Brazil would bring warm temperatures to the eastern coast of South America.

Therefore, the correct response is: "It brings warm temperatures to the eastern coast of South America."