A) Which of the following factors should be identified as a pull factor for immigration? (1 point)

political oppression
civil war
natural disaster
greater employment opportunities

greater employment opportunities

The factor that should be identified as a pull factor for immigration is greater employment opportunities.

To identify which factor should be considered a pull factor for immigration, you need to understand what a pull factor is. A pull factor is a condition or circumstance that attracts individuals to immigrate to a particular country or region. It is something that is considered favorable or beneficial for individuals seeking to move.

Now, let's examine the options provided:

A) Political oppression: Political oppression is typically viewed as a push factor rather than a pull factor. It is a condition that compels individuals to leave their home country rather than attracting them to a new one.

B) Civil war: Similar to political oppression, civil war is also usually considered a push factor. The conflicts and dangers associated with civil wars typically force people to leave their homes rather than being a factor that attracts them to immigrate elsewhere.

C) Natural disaster: Again, natural disasters are primarily considered push factors. Disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, or floods often lead people to flee affected areas due to safety concerns or the destruction of their homes.

D) Greater employment opportunities: This option can be identified as a pull factor for immigration. Individuals who are attracted to a country or region with greater employment opportunities may seek to move there to secure better jobs, higher wages, and improved economic prospects.

Therefore, out of the options provided, the factor that should be identified as a pull factor for immigration is "greater employment opportunities."

A) Which of the following has the most influence on immigration policy in countries with democratically elected governments? (1 point)

public opinion
the Federal Reserve Board
the United Nations
international law

The most influence on immigration policy in countries with democratically elected governments is public opinion. Public opinion refers to the views and beliefs of the general public on a particular issue, in this case, immigration. In a democratic system, elected governments are accountable to their citizens, and public opinion often plays a significant role in shaping policies and decision-making processes.