Which option describes a pull factor that influenced European immigration to the United States?

i give answers is correct! because i was really stressed over if the answers will right i will tell you all them now

1. Which option describes a pull factor that influenced European immigration to the United States?
Answer: Industrial Jobs
2. What role did nativism play in federal policy?
Answer: Concern over cultural differences led to more restrictive immigration laws.
3. Who most likely would have said this?
Answer: Political Boss
4. Which of the following is an example of acculturation?
Answer: speaking a blend of English and another language
5. How did zoning laws help to reduce the danger from pollution?
answer: They kept factories outside of residential neighborhoods.
6. What was the effect of the Bull Moose Party’s entrance into presidential election of 1912?
answer: It split the Republican vote and allowed the Democrats to win.
7. How were muckrakers able to influence American society and ultimately inspire reform?
answer: They contributed photographs and articles to magazines.
8. Which belief did President Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson share?
answer: The Federal government should regulate unfair business practices.
9. What led Jane Addams to open Hull House?
answer: She believed in helping the urban poor, especially immigrants.

Good Luck!

1. A industrial jobs.

2. C they have more time for leisure activities.
3. D The spoil system offered government jobs and contracts for political support.
4. D He supported labor unions.
5. C the passage of the nineteenth amendment.
6. B to show the harsh side of poverty.
7. C he would treat all interest impartially.
8. B bull moose.
9. C because of increasing immigrant population.



Bruh they are not correct what are yall on

i’m nervous about trusting yall

I need help

This is not a fricking quick check

My man iGiveAnswersa is wrong. I'm sorry, but 3/9.

help is here got it so wrong got me a 3/9

are these correct?