find the cubic root 56 .

The cubic root of 56 is approximately 3.671468.

To find the cubic root of 56, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with an estimation. Make an initial guess for the cubic root. Let's start with an estimation of 3.

Step 2: Substitute the estimated value into the cubic equation. Take the estimated value and raise it to the power of 3:
3 * 3 * 3 = 27

Step 3: Compare the estimated result with the given value. In this case, 56 is greater than 27.

Step 4: Adjust the estimation. Increase the estimated value slightly. Let's increase the estimation to 4.

Step 5: Substitute the new estimation into the cubic equation.
4 * 4 * 4 = 64

Step 6: Compare the new estimated result with the given value. In this case, 56 is less than 64.

Step 7: Adjust the estimation if necessary. Since the new estimation was too high, we need to decrease the estimated value slightly. Let's try 3.5.

Step 8: Substitute the new estimation into the cubic equation.
3.5 * 3.5 * 3.5 = 42.875

Step 9: Compare the new estimated result with the given value. In this case, 56 is greater than 42.875.

Step 10: Adjust the estimation if necessary. Increase the estimation slightly. Let's try 3.6.

Step 11: Substitute the new estimation into the cubic equation.
3.6 * 3.6 * 3.6 = 46.656

Step 12: Compare the new estimated result with the given value. In this case, 56 is greater than 46.656.

Step 13: Repeat steps 10-12 until the estimated result is close enough to the given value. Continue adjusting the estimation and substituting it into the cubic equation.

By repeating the estimation process, you can arrive at a more accurate estimation for the cubic root of 56.

give me all possible asnwers

The cubic root of 56 has multiple possible answers, as the cubic root operation can result in both positive and negative values. The possible answers are:

1. Cubic root of 56 ≈ 3.671468
2. Cubic root of 56 ≈ -3.671468

To find the cubic root of 56, you can use a calculator with a cubic root function or do it manually. Here's how to do it manually:

1. Start by making an initial guess for the cubic root of 56. You can use a rough estimate like 3 or 4.
2. Cube your initial guess. In this case, if you guess 3, cube it: 3^3 = 27.
3. Compare the cube of your guess to the original number 56. If the cube is less than 56, you need to increase your guess. If the cube is greater than 56, you need to decrease your guess.
- In our case, 27 is less than 56, so we need to increase our guess.
4. Adjust your guess accordingly and repeat step 2 and 3 until you get an accurate result.
- Let's increase our guess to 4.
- Cube 4: 4^3 = 64.
- 64 is greater than 56, so we need to decrease our guess.
- Let's try 3.5.
- Cube 3.5: 3.5^3 = 42.875.
- 42.875 is less than 56, so we need to increase our guess.
- Let's try 3.6.
- Cube 3.6: 3.6^3 = 46.656.
- 46.656 is less than 56, so we need to increase our guess.
- Let's try 3.7.
- Cube 3.7: 3.7^3 = 50.653.
- 50.653 is less than 56, so we need to increase our guess.
- Let's try 3.8.
- Cube 3.8: 3.8^3 = 54.872.
- 54.872 is less than 56, so we need to increase our guess.
- Let's try 3.9.
- Cube 3.9: 3.9^3 = 59.319.
- 59.319 is greater than 56, so we need to decrease our guess.
- Let's try 3.85.
- Cube 3.85: 3.85^3 = 57.314.
- 57.314 is greater than 56, so we need to decrease our guess.
- Let's try 3.84.
- Cube 3.84: 3.84^3 = 56.758.
- 56.758 is still greater than 56, so we need to decrease our guess.
- Let's try 3.83.
- Cube 3.83: 3.83^3 = 56.208.
- 56.208 is very close to 56, so we can consider it our answer.

Therefore, the cubic root of 56 is approximately 3.83.