1. Find the cubic root 56.

2. Find the cubic root 32.
3. Find the square of 45.
4. Find the square root of 175.
5. Find the square of 200

1. The cubic root of 56 is approximately 3.7797631497.

2. The cubic root of 32 is exactly 3.
3. The square of 45 is 2025.
4. The square root of 175 is approximately 13.2287565553.
5. The square of 200 is 40,000.

To find the cubic root of a number, you can use the exponentiation operator, which is represented by the "^" symbol.

1. To find the cubic root of 56, you can use the formula 56^(1/3). This means raising 56 to the power of 1/3. Let's calculate it: 56^(1/3) = 3.883

2. To find the cubic root of 32, you can use the same formula: 32^(1/3) = 3.174

To find the square of a number, you can use the multiplication operator.

3. To find the square of 45, you need to multiply 45 by itself: 45 * 45 = 2025

To find the square root of a number, you can use the square root function or the exponentiation operator with the exponent 1/2.

4. To find the square root of 175, you can use the square root function: √175 = 13.23

5. To find the square of 200, you need to multiply 200 by itself: 200 * 200 = 40,000

1. To find the cubic root of 56, you can use a calculator or you can follow these steps:

- Start by making an initial guess for the answer. Let's say the cubic root of 56 is approximately 3.
- Divide 56 by your guess (3) raised to the power of 2. In this case, 56 divided by (3^2) would be 56 / 9 = 6.222.
- Take the average of your guess (3) and the result obtained in the previous step (6.222). The average would be (3 + 6.222) / 2 = 4.611.
- Repeat the process by dividing 56 by (4.611^2) = 56 / 21.267 = 2.634.
- Take the average of 4.611 and 2.634, which is approximately 3.623.
- Repeat these steps several more times until you reach the desired level of accuracy. The more iterations you do, the more accurate the result will be.

2. To find the cubic root of 32, you can follow the same steps as above:
- Start by making an initial guess. Let's say the cubic root of 32 is approximately 3.
- Divide 32 by (3^2) = 32 / 9 = 3.556.
- Take the average of 3 and 3.556, which is approximately 3.278.
- Repeat these steps until you reach the desired accuracy.

3. To find the square of 45, you simply multiply the number by itself. So, 45 squared is equal to 45 * 45 = 2025.

4. To find the square root of 175, you can use a calculator or you can use the following steps:
- Start with an initial guess. Let's say the square root of 175 is approximately 13.
- Divide 175 by the guess squared (13^2) = 175 / 169 = 1.036.
- Take the average of 13 and 1.036, which is approximately 7.518.
- Repeat these steps until you reach the desired accuracy.

5. To find the square of 200, you multiply the number by itself. So, 200 squared is equal to 200 * 200 = 40,000.