In the short story power player, what plot point leads the main character to realize that he is angry with his dad?

In the short story "Power Player," the main character realizes that he is angry with his dad when his dad promotes his younger sister to a higher position in their family's company, even though the main character has been working harder and longer than his sister. This unequal treatment causes him to feel resentful towards his dad and question their relationship.

In the short story "Power Player," the plot point that leads the main character to realize that he is angry with his dad is when he discovers that his dad has been manipulating the outcome of his video game matches in secret. This revelation prompts the main character to reflect on the unfair advantage he has been given, which creates feelings of resentment towards his father.

To find the plot point that leads the main character to realize that he is angry with his dad in the short story "Power Player," you would need to read or analyze the story. Plot points are specific events or moments that drive the story forward or contribute to character development. Here's how you can locate this plot point:

1. Obtain a copy of the short story: Look for the story "Power Player" in the collection or publication in which it was originally published. Check libraries, bookstores, or online sources.

2. Read the story: Start reading the short story from the beginning. Pay attention to the main character's thoughts, actions, and interactions with other characters.

3. Analyze the story: As you progress through the story, observe any turning points, moments of conflict, or shifts in the main character's emotions or perceptions. Look for instances where the main character may have an awakening or realization about their feelings towards their father.

4. Identify the plot point: Keep track of any significant events or details that contribute to the main character's realization of their anger towards their father. It may be a specific scene, a dialogue, or an internal monologue. It might also be helpful to take notes or mark pages to refer back to.

By following these steps and engaging with the text, you should be able to identify the plot point that leads the main character to realize their anger towards their dad in the short story "Power Player."