Not including tax, a total of 19 pens and markers cost $11.50. The pens cost $0.25 each, and the markers cost $0.75 each. Write the system of equations that could be used to solve for the number of pens, p, and the number of markers, m, bought.(4 points) Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse. p + m = Response area Response area p + Response area m =


p + m = 19

0.25p + 0.75m = 11.50

Not including tax, the total cost of 19 pens and markers is $11.50. Let's denote the number of pens as p and the number of markers as m.

The cost of each pen is given as $0.25, so the total cost of pens would be 0.25p (since each pen costs $0.25).
Similarly, the cost of each marker is given as $0.75, so the total cost of markers would be 0.75m (since each marker costs $0.75).

The sum of the total costs of pens and markers would be equal to the total cost of $11.50. Therefore, the equation for the cost of pens and markers can be written as:

0.25p + 0.75m = 11.50

Additionally, we know that there are a total of 19 pens and markers combined. So, the equation representing the total quantity of pens and markers can be written as:

p + m = 19

Therefore, the system of equations to solve for the number of pens (p) and the number of markers (m) is:

0.25p + 0.75m = 11.50
p + m = 19