A student is moving boxes. Box A and box B are the same size and shape . The student can lift box A, but not box B. What is the difference between the boxes? (1 point)

Box B has more mass and takes less force to lift.
Box B has more mass and takes more force to lift.
• Box B has more mass and takes more friction to lift.
• Box A has more mass and takes less friction to lift.

Box A has more mass and takes less force to lift.

To determine the difference between the boxes, we need to understand the concepts of mass, force, and friction.

Mass refers to the amount of matter in an object and is typically measured in kilograms. Force, on the other hand, is a push or pull that can cause an object to move, change direction, or stop. It is measured in Newtons.

Friction, in the context of lifting boxes, refers to the resistance encountered when two objects move against each other. In this case, it represents the effort required to lift the boxes.

Given that the student can lift Box A but not Box B, we can conclude that there must be a difference between the two boxes. The question asks for the difference in terms of mass, force, and friction.

The first option, "Box B has more mass and takes less force to lift," is incorrect. If Box B has more mass, it would require more force to lift it, not less. This is because a greater mass results in a greater gravitational pull, which requires a stronger upward force to counteract.

The second option, "Box B has more mass and takes more force to lift," is the correct answer. It recognizes that Box B has more mass and therefore would require more force to lift. This aligns with our understanding of gravity and the relationship between mass and force.

The third option, "Box B has more mass and takes more friction to lift," is not directly related to the task of lifting boxes. Friction primarily affects the movement of objects across surfaces, and it does not directly impact the force required to lift an object vertically.

The fourth option, "Box A has more mass and takes less friction to lift," is also incorrect. According to the question, the student can lift Box A but not Box B. If Box A had more mass, it would require more force to lift, not less.

Therefore, the correct answer is: Box B has more mass and takes more force to lift.

The correct answer is: Box B has more mass and takes more force to lift.