If a conditional is true and its hypothesis is true, then its _____ is true. conclusion hypothesis statement conditional

If a conditional is true and its hypothesis is true, then its conclusion is true.

If a conditional statement is true and its hypothesis (also known as the "if" part) is true, then its conclusion (also known as the "then" part) is true.

If a conditional statement is true and its hypothesis is also true, then its conclusion is true.

To understand this, let's break down the parts of a conditional statement:

- Statement: A sentence that expresses a complete thought.
- Conditional statement: A statement in the form "if-then," which consists of a hypothesis and a conclusion.
- Hypothesis: The "if" part of the conditional statement, which provides the condition or assumption.
- Conclusion: The "then" part of the conditional statement, which follows from the hypothesis.

When the hypothesis of a conditional statement is true, it sets up a condition or assumption. If this assumption is met, then the conclusion of the conditional statement must also be true.

For example, let's consider the conditional statement: "If it is raining, then the ground is wet."

- Hypothesis: "It is raining."
- Conclusion: "The ground is wet."

If indeed it is raining, then the assumption is true, and as a result, the ground will be wet. Therefore, the conclusion of the conditional statement, which is "The ground is wet," is true.

In summary, if a conditional statement is true and its hypothesis is true, then its conclusion will also be true.