Dara is designing a videogame using PlayCanvas. Which type of conditional does Dara use to check if a condition is true before running a block of code? (1 point) Responses if conditional if conditional switch conditional switch conditional design conditional design conditional variable conditional variable conditional

Dara uses the "if" conditional to check if a condition is true before running a block of code.

In which of the following story segments does the main character solve the problem or conflict? (1 point) Responses inciting incident inciting incident climax climax falling action falling action resolution

The main character solves the problem or conflict in the resolution segment.

In which of the following story segments does the player spend the majority of the game as the main character defeats challenges and obstacles, getting closer to the climax of the story? (1 point) Responses falling action falling action exposition exposition rising action rising action inciting incident

The player spends the majority of the game in the rising action segment, where the main character defeats challenges and obstacles, getting closer to the climax of the story.

Dara would use the "if" conditional to check if a condition is true before running a block of code.

Dara would use an "if" conditional statement to check if a condition is true before running a block of code. Here's an example of how it would look in JavaScript, which is the language used in PlayCanvas:

if(condition) {
// code to run if condition is true

In this example, Dara would replace "condition" with the actual condition that needs to be checked. If the condition evaluates to true, then the code inside the block will be executed. If the condition is false, the code inside the block will be skipped and not executed.