Choose the sentence in which the appositive or appositive phrase is essential to the sentence and punctuated correctly. (1 point) Responses Charlie Chaplin a former stage actor began his film career in 1914. Charlie Chaplin a former stage actor began his film career in 1914. Charlie Chaplin, a former stage actor, began his film career in 1914.

The sentence in which the appositive or appositive phrase is essential to the sentence and punctuated correctly is:

Charlie Chaplin, a former stage actor, began his film career in 1914.

The sentence in which the appositive or appositive phrase is essential to the sentence and punctuated correctly is: "Charlie Chaplin, a former stage actor, began his film career in 1914."

To identify the sentence in which the appositive or appositive phrase is essential to the sentence and punctuated correctly, we need to understand the concept of an appositive. An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames or identifies another noun in a sentence. It is set off by commas when it is non-essential or necessary to the meaning of the sentence.

Let's analyze the given options:

1. Responses:
2. Charlie Chaplin, a former stage actor, began his film career in 1914.

In option 2, "Charlie Chaplin" is the noun being renamed, and "a former stage actor" provides additional information about Charlie Chaplin. This appositive phrase is essential to the sentence because it clarifies which Charlie Chaplin is being referred to. It is correctly punctuated with commas before and after the appositive.

Therefore, the correct sentence is: Charlie Chaplin, a former stage actor, began his film career in 1914.