How is dark energy related to the theory of the Big Bang? *

It causes the spinning of galaxies.

It seeded the formation of galaxies and star clusters.

It causes the universe to expand.

It causes the expansion of the universe to accelerate.

It causes the expansion of the universe to accelerate.

Dark energy is related to the theory of the Big Bang because it is believed to be responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe. The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe originated from a hot and dense state and has been expanding ever since. However, the rate of expansion was expected to gradually slow down due to the mutual gravitational attraction of matter.

But, observations of distant supernovae in the late 1990s indicated that the expansion of the universe is actually speeding up. This discovery led scientists to propose the existence of a mysterious form of energy known as dark energy. Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that is thought to permeate all of space and have negative pressure, causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate.

The exact nature of dark energy is still not well understood, and it remains one of the biggest mysteries in astrophysics. However, its presence is crucial in explaining the current observed behavior of the universe and its relationship to the Big Bang theory.

The correct answer is: Dark energy is related to the theory of the Big Bang as it causes the expansion of the universe to accelerate.