__________ affirms that human beings are able and responsible for leading morally responsible lives without reference to any form of theism or monotheism.

Secular humanism

The concept that affirms that human beings are able and responsible for leading morally responsible lives without reference to any form of theism or monotheism is known as secular humanism. Secular humanism emphasizes the ethical and moral foundations of human life and emphasizes the promotion of individual well-being and the welfare of humanity as a whole, without relying on religious or supernatural beliefs. Instead, it focuses on reason, critical thinking, empathy, and compassion to guide individuals in leading morally responsible lives.

The statement you provided is consistent with the philosophy of secular humanism. Secular humanism is a worldview that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings without appealing to any religious or supernatural beliefs. It asserts that individuals have the capacity to live moral and ethical lives based on reason, empathy, and humanistic values.

To understand this concept further, one can explore the principles and ideas of secular humanism. Reading books, articles, or essays by influential secular humanist thinkers such as Bertrand Russell, Carl Sagan, or Richard Dawkins could provide a more comprehensive understanding of their perspectives on morality, ethics, and human potential. Additionally, seeking out discussions, debates, or lectures by prominent secular humanists or attending events organized by humanist or atheist communities can offer further insights into this worldview.

Ultimately, examining the writings and ideas of secular humanism will help to better understand the affirmation that human beings are capable of leading morally responsible lives independent of theistic or monotheistic beliefs.