Which of the following best explains why popular culture has rapidly diffused around the globe?

(1 point)

Television has become ubiquitous.

Television has become ubiquitous.

The airline industry has moved people around the globe.

The airline industry has moved people around the globe.

Popular culture is more attractive than folk culture.

Popular culture is more attractive than folk culture.

Economic factors have forced people to accept popular culture.

Economic factors have forced people to accept popular culture.

Folk culture is no longer sustainable.

The airline industry has moved people around the globe.

The correct response is: The airline industry has moved people around the globe.

The rapid diffusion of popular culture around the globe can be attributed to the increased mobility facilitated by the airline industry. With the ability to easily travel to different countries and experience different cultures, people are exposed to popular culture from various parts of the world. This has allowed for the exchange and spread of popular cultural elements such as music, movies, fashion, and trends across different societies.

To determine the best explanation for the rapid diffusion of popular culture around the globe, we need to analyze the provided options:

1. Television has become ubiquitous: This option suggests that the widespread availability of television has played a significant role in the diffusion of popular culture. Television programs and media content can reach a vast audience, transcending geographical boundaries and influencing cultural preferences.

2. The airline industry has moved people around the globe: This option suggests that the ease and accessibility of air travel have facilitated the movement of people across different regions and countries, promoting cultural exchanges and the spread of popular culture.

3. Popular culture is more attractive than folk culture: This option implies that the appeal and allure of popular culture have contributed to its rapid diffusion globally. The entertainment value, trends, and mass appeal of popular culture elements have attracted a significant following and led to its widespread adoption.

4. Economic factors have forced people to accept popular culture: This option suggests that economic considerations, such as globalization, market forces, and consumer demands, have compelled people to accept and adopt popular culture. Economic influences, such as trade and consumerism, can drive the spread and acceptance of popular culture.

5. Folk culture is no longer sustainable: This option implies that traditional or folk culture has become less prevalent or sustainable due to various factors, resulting in the widespread acceptance and diffusion of popular culture as a replacement.

Upon evaluation of these options, we can see that options 1 and 2 are repetitive, as they suggest the same idea. Option 5 is a negative statement about folk culture rather than an explanation for the diffusion of popular culture. Both option 3 and option 4 offer plausible explanations, focusing on the appeal of popular culture and economic factors driving its diffusion, respectively.

Considering all these points, the explanation that best justifies why popular culture has rapidly diffused around the globe is that popular culture is more attractive than folk culture. The mass appeal, entertainment value, and trends associated with popular culture make it desirable and widely adopted worldwide.