Which BEST explains why memes are so popular in contemporary culture?

(1 point),
Words and images are always popular together.
O Combining words and pictures is a pretty new concept.
• They are simple but vividly express a message or feeling.
Social media created the need to express feelings in memes.

• They are simple but vividly express a message or feeling.

Memes are popular in contemporary culture because they have the ability to convey complex ideas or emotions in a simple and concise way. They often use humor or relatable situations, making them easy to understand and share. Moreover, their visual nature allows for quick consumption and easy spreadability on social media platforms. Therefore, the option "They are simple but vividly express a message or feeling" best explains why memes are so popular.

The best explanation for why memes are so popular in contemporary culture is that they are simple but vividly express a message or feeling. Memes often use humor and relatable content to convey a point quickly and effectively. This simplicity and ability to evoke emotions have contributed to their widespread popularity. While the combination of words and images has been popular for a long time, it is the unique ability of memes to capture the essence of a message or feeling in a concise and humorous way that has made them particularly popular in contemporary culture. While social media has undoubtedly played a role in the dissemination and sharing of memes, it is not the sole reason for their popularity.

The correct option that BEST explains why memes are so popular in contemporary culture is: "They are simple but vividly express a message or feeling."

Memes have become popular because they can convey complex ideas or emotions in a simple and easily digestible format. Memes often use a combination of witty captions or phrases alongside images to capture a specific cultural reference or current event. These humorous or relatable elements create an instant connection with the audience, making them highly shareable and engaging.

To determine the correct answer, we can evaluate each option:

1) "Words and images are always popular together" - While it is true that words and images are often combined in many forms of media, this statement does not specifically address why memes are popular. It is a general statement that does not provide a specific explanation.

2) "Combining words and pictures is a pretty new concept" - This statement is not accurate. The combination of words and pictures has been used throughout human history in various forms of art, literature, and media. Memes, while a relatively recent phenomenon in the age of the internet, build upon a long history of combining words and images.

3) "They are simple but vividly express a message or feeling" - This option provides a clear explanation for the popularity of memes. Memes often utilize a simple format yet capture a message or feeling in a powerful and relatable way. This appeals to the fast-paced nature of contemporary culture where easily consumable content is highly preferred.

4) "Social media created the need to express feelings in memes" - While it is true that social media platforms have played a significant role in the popularity and dissemination of memes, this option focuses more on the platform rather than the specific reasons why memes are popular. It does not explain why memes are preferred over other forms of social media content for expressing feelings.

Therefore, option three, "They are simple but vividly express a message or feeling," is the best explanation for the popularity of memes in contemporary culture.