Which of the following does not characterize postmodernism?

There is no such thing as objective, universal truth.
There is no such thing as objective, universal moral standards.
Knowledge is inherently good and will result in human progress.
Two propositions that contradict each other can both be "right."

Knowledge is inherently good and will result in human progress.

The statement "Knowledge is inherently good and will result in human progress" does not characterize postmodernism. Postmodernists reject the idea that knowledge is always positive or leads to progress. They often question the neutrality and objectivity of knowledge, suggesting that it can be influenced by power dynamics or biases.

To determine which option does not characterize postmodernism, let's go through each statement and identify whether it aligns with the principles of postmodernism:

1. "There is no such thing as objective, universal truth." - This statement aligns with postmodernism. Postmodernism often holds that truth is subjective and context-dependent rather than being universally applicable.

2. "There is no such thing as objective, universal moral standards." - This statement also aligns with postmodernism. Postmodernism suggests that moral standards are socially constructed and vary across different cultures and contexts.

3. "Knowledge is inherently good and will result in human progress." - This statement does not align with postmodernism. Postmodernism, in its critical approach, questions the idea of absolute knowledge and challenges the notion that knowledge automatically leads to progress or improvement.

4. "Two propositions that contradict each other can both be 'right.'" - This statement aligns with postmodernism. Postmodernism challenges the notion of a single, objective truth and allows for multiple subjective interpretations or perspectives to be considered valid.

Therefore, the statement that does not characterize postmodernism is: "Knowledge is inherently good and will result in human progress."